

Published: Oct 25, 2022


Support of social entrepreneurship is a promising area of economic and social development of Ukraine, while the domestic regulatory framework does not define the concept of social entrepreneurship, and therefore the formation of the necessary mechanisms of public administration to support it is problematic. This study analysed the understanding of the concept of “social entrepreneurship” in regulations and official documents of the European Union and EU member states, such as Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, and the former UK member states; the common elements of this concept are established and the author's definition of social entrepreneurship is formulated as a proposal for use in the Ukrainian system of public administration and relevant regulations; the legal basis for the regulation of social entrepreneurship in the above countries is outlined for use in further research to determine the necessary mechanisms of public administration in the field of social entrepreneurship in the reintegration of servicemen, veterans of ATO / JFO and their families.

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Dyvnych, H. (2022). REGULATIONS ON SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 47-52.
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social entrepreneurship, definition, legal form, social significance, economic development, purpose, profit.

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