

Published: Oct 26, 2022

  Oleksandra Shovkoplias


The work analyzes current theoretical and practical problems of state management and public administration in the field of health care, reveals the specific features of the state of ensuring human and citizen rights to life and health, shows the essence of these issues, and elaborates on their causes. All this was considered through the prism of administrative and legal regulation, which operates in Ukraine at the present time. This study was carried out on the basis of thorough scientific works of administrative scientists, taking into account modern phenomena and the state of regulatory and legal support today. It has been proven that the issues of administrative and legal regulation in the field of health care and medical activity require new global scientific achievements and the improvement of the activities of state bodies operating in this field by improving the national legal framework and introducing international standards in the field of health care in Ukraine health.

How to Cite

Shovkoplias, O. (2022). CURRENT ISSUES OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH CARE IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 236-241.
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administrative and legal regulation, state management, health care, legal regulation, administrative and legal regulation of health care, right to life and health, state management in health care.

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