

Published: Feb 18, 2022

  Vladyslava Tymkovan


The subject of the study is agroindustrial associations and their role in the industrial agriculture of Ukraine. During the study the following research methods were used: empirical, theoretical methods, as well as observation, analysis and synthesis. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the enterprises-participants of agro-industrial associations to identify positive or negative trends in the sustainable development of their activities and to provide suggestions for their further effective development. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the need to ensure food security of Ukraine, which can be supported primarily by enterprises of agro-industrial complex. The study analyzed the volume of products produced by agricultural enterprises and compared the size of the costs of agricultural production and the amount of net profit of enterprises. It was concluded that the sustainable development of agro-industrial enterprises has declined. To improve these indicators, the authors proposed a number of measures that would help enterprises to get out of the pre-crisis state, namely, state support in various manifestations. The study "Support for Agrarian and Rural Development" within the framework of the project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was also taken into account. The study examined in detail the external and internal negative factors affecting on the activities of agro-industrial associations.

How to Cite

Tymkovan, V. (2022). THE ROLE OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS IN INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE. Three Seas Economic Journal, 3(1), 189-192.
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agro-industrial associations, development of agro-industrial associations, government support, industrial agriculture, activity of agro-industrial enterprises


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