

Published: Dec 3, 2020

  Alexander Pishchenko


The purpose of the article. In the context of the search for strategies and algorithms to exit the global crisis, particular attention is paid to the development of industry and industrial policy. The agricultural sector has always been considered a priority and strategically important sector for Ukraine, which can meet not only the needs of the domestic market but also the world one. Methodology. To achieve the purpose of the article, a set of general scientific and specific methods of scientific knowledge has been used, in particular: abstract-logical (for substantiation of the research methodology, theoretical generalizations, formulation of conclusions); dialectical, historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (for determination of the preconditions for ensuring environmental safety of products of the agricultural sector through the development of its innovative potential); statistical-economic (for assessment of the current state of development of the agricultural sector and identification of the factors that affect its environmental safety); strategic and structural-functional analysis (for correction of the strategic directions of the development of innovative potential of agricultural sector to maintain its environmental safety). Results. The formation of a targeted industrial policy aimed at satisfying the domestic needs for quality, environmentally safe food, taking into account the imperatives of sustainable development and environmental protection, should become one of the strategic directions for activation of leadership positions in the international agro-industrial market. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of ensuring environmental safety of products of the agricultural sector. Practical implications. The problems of ensuring environmental safety of the agricultural sector have been identified and the current state and the trends of agricultural sector development in Ukraine have been analyzed. It has been established that the use of imperfect technology and equipment in the food production leads to the introduction of harmful impurities into the final product or the formation of harmful substances during the production process, which, in turn, requires additional innovative measures to solve an actual problem. It has been substantiated that the enterprises of the agricultural sector are characterized by low innovation activity, which is a negative factor for ensuring environmental safety in accordance with world standards and leadership qualities. Value/originality. For increasing the leadership positions of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in order to ensure its environmental safety, it has been proposed to strengthen the effective interaction of all interested parties – the state, agricultural sector enterprises, agricultural producers and research institutions. Such interaction will allow achieving a synergistic effect, strengthening the common opportunities of all parts of domestic production in the creation of competitive technologies for the production of environmentally safe products and accessing to world markets.

How to Cite

Pishchenko, A. (2020). FEATURES OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: INFLUENCE ON LEADERSHIP POSITIONS IN THE ECONOMY. Green, Blue and Digital Economy Journal, 1(2), 103-108. https://doi.org/10.30525/2661-5169/2020-2-17
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agricultural production, ecological safety, economic development, management system, mechanism


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