

Published: Jun 25, 2021

  Barna Marta

  Iryna Melnyk

  Rostyslav Baran


The main purpose of the article is to determine the main current trends and factors of digitalization of the tourism industry, which have a significant impact on the efficiency and increase the performance of economic entities in the tourism industry of Ukraine. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consisted of the publications of the economists, who analyzed the problems of formation and prospects for the development of Internet marketing. A monographic method was used to cover the scientists’ views on the research issue. Correlation and regression methods of analysis were tested in determining the factors of digitization. The article systematizes the dynamics of the development of the tourism industry and indicators of the economic activity of tourist enterprises in the global and national context. It is determined that due to the intensification of crises and quarantine measures caused by the spread of СOVID-19, the number and expenditures of tourists on entertainment, the income of tourist enterprises, the number of people employed in the tourism industry have significantly decreased. At the same time, the process of digitalization of the studied industry has accelerated in terms of the growth of investments aimed at the development of marketing startups of a digitalization nature. The evolution of marketing approaches to the digitalization of tourism industry enterprises is theoretically comprehended. The main stages include traditional individual tour operators, e-business, e-commerce, smart tourism. It is concluded that domestic enterprises of the tourism industry lag significantly behind similar business entities in terms of the process of digitalization of economic processes and marketing mix. The factors of digitalization of the marketing activity of tourist enterprises are generalized. The results of factor analysis on the importance of using elements of digitalization in the marketing activities of tourism enterprises of Ukraine are analyzed and visualized. It is determined that the most significant influence on the effectiveness of marketing activities using elements of digitalization in the tourism industry of Ukraine is exerted by such factors as: chatbots based on artificial intelligence, voice search and voice control, virtual reality, augmented reality, internet of things, robots, contactless payments, cyber-security measures, recognition technology, large data sets, artificial intelligence.

How to Cite

Marta, B., Melnyk, I., & Baran, R. (2021). FACTORS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE MARKETING ACTIVITY OF TOURIST ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL DIGITALIZATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(3), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2021-7-3-29-36
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Internet marketing, digitalization, tourist enterprises, tourism, globalization


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