

Published: Jan 27, 2016

  Inna Kanashkina


The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological bases of formation of effective investment in priorities feed processing industry in Ukraine. The object of research is the investment process in feed processing Ukrainian industry, the main direction and the way to increase the efficiency of the investment process in the industry. The aim is to develop an integrated approach to the study of the economic substance of investments to improve the methods to determine their effectiveness, the study of factors of investment environment, study methodology for determining business risk, development of proposals of the priority areas of investing in feed processing industry, the formation of effective investment strategies for its development in the conditions of market transformation. Methods. We used the following methods: dialectical, abstract logic, Economics and Statistics and the systemic-functional methods of knowledge of economic processes. The dialectical method has allowed the author to analyze the development of research in the last five years, identified reserves and propose ways for its further development. Abstract-logical method of waste classification of the factors influencing the efficiency of the investment process in the industry, the methodological approaches to the formation of the components of the conceptual apparatus studied category. Economic-statistical method used in the study and synthesis of trends and patterns of the dynamics of the industry at the present stage. Systemic-functional method allowed to generalize the theoretical and methodological foundations of development effectiveness feed processing industry. The study also used methods: a comparative analysis – for comparing actual data reporting and previous years; model approach – to determine the entrepreneurial risk in the enterprises of the industry; expert assessments and cost approaches to identify key trends and ways to improve the country’s industrial development feed processing industry in the transformation of the economy. Results. Based on the analysis of modern approaches to conditions of increased in-vestment and innovation, continuous improvement of its effectiveness concluded that the creation of fair competition. Civilized competitive environment ensures that each share of investment in innovation combined with a positive effect – increases the number of jobs and the amount of product reduces the cost per unit of output. Significant investment resources for the industry can be attracted by privatization, provided that it will be transparent and competitive. To attract investment in such an important sector for Ukraine, it is necessary to understand and improve the motivation of investors, taking into account the European integration process: the main promising markets for products and services; favorable geographic location of investment targets; increase their competitiveness through the organization of production on the territory of a party that receives the in-vestment; low labor costs in its qualifications.

How to Cite

Kanashkina, I. (2016). ECONOMIC ESSENCE OF MODERN INVESTMENT PROCESSES IN THE GRAIN PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 1(1), 91-97.
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investment, investment efficiency, investment potential.


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