The relevance of the problem under study is that the concept of the development of the "blue economy" represents the most modern development of ecopolises based on the ingenuity of ecosystems and the provision of numerous products and services on which human life and humanity depend. The aim of the article is to create conditions for the development of a "blue economy" as the basis of an ecologically sustainable ecopolis, in which a new culture of agro-ecology is revived as a new type of agricultural product. This study identifies the problems of today's agricultural production model, which generates a lot of waste and leads to genetic manipulation. The "blue economy" as a new direction of production cultivates the effective development of waste potential, demonstrating the evolutionary path of nature, which restores its balance and evolves from scarcity to abundance. The main approach of the study is the systemic method, which makes it possible to show the development of the "blue economy" as a system consisting of interconnected components that function as a whole, as well as methods for modelling the processes of a regenerative economy, of which the "blue economy" is a variety. People live in a complex system of the natural environment, in which they face the problems of environmental pollution, the overcoming of which leads to the need for new types of circular economy, of which the blue economy is a variant. The article analyses the conditions for the emergence of a "blue economy" based on the ingenuity of ecosystems to continue to provide humanity with the best products on which the quality of sustainable human life and the capacity of society to renew itself depend. Today's agricultural production is a model that produces a lot of waste, which can be used to process weeds, to make animal feed and to develop "coffee chemistry" by growing mushrooms on coffee biomass. The "blue economy" as a new direction of agricultural production can be a response to the innovative development of the food industry – from food to the production of animal feed and ingredients for cosmetics – which represents the formation of new values of the "blue economy" as a sustainable provision of new products. The combination of sustainable agriculture, new agricultural production and human health requires innovation and the development of the blue economy as a new culture of agroecology – environmentally friendly products and food.
How to Cite
agricultural production, blue economy, sustainable development, ecopolises, agro-ecology
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