

Published: May 23, 2023

  Alina Denysova

  Yurii Pavliutin

  Oleksandr Dubenko


The subject of the study is the conceptual, theoretical, empirical and methodological foundations of overcoming corruption risks in the activities of law enforcement agencies in the conditions of economic integration. Methodology. General and specific methods of knowledge were used in the research process. The dialectical method was used to study the nature of corruption at the legal and economic levels of its manifestation. The analysis created the conditions for a multifaceted study of all the characteristic features of corruption, corruption risk and corruption risk management in the context of economic integration. The synthesis created the conditions for generalising the characteristics of the above categories in the legal and economic fields. The formal legal method allowed to correctly interpret the content of normative legal acts that determine the general, special and local legal regime of corruption risk management in the activities of law enforcement agencies in the conditions of economic integration. The purpose of the article is to identify the economic and legal foundations of corruption as a socio-economic and legal phenomenon, as well as corruption risks and their management in the activities of law enforcement agencies, at a theoretical and empirical level. The results of the study showed that measures to overcome corruption risks in the activities of law enforcement agencies are components of the process of their management, which have the appropriate differentiation, organisational, legal and socio-economic basis. Conclusion. Corruption as a social, economic and legal phenomenon has a number of causes, including political, economic, legal, organisational and socio-psychological. Corruption causes corresponding negative phenomena in the development of the economy both at the national and global, international level. Taking into account the position of international and Ukrainian legislation, the study of the nature of the risk of corruption was conducted, as a result of which the categories of assessment and management of the risk of corruption were distinguished in favour of the latter. The positive results of improving the legal regulation of corruption risk management were noted. Based on the results of the study of the content of corruption risks and the process of their management, proposals for amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" were made. It was concluded that the phenomenon of overcoming corruption risks in law enforcement bodies represents a system of appropriate measures, which can be divided into the following groups: 1) general; 2) special; 3) local. General measures are defined within the framework of the general provisions of the current international and domestic legislation, which applies to all subjects in the field of anti-corruption legal regulation, in particular to officials of state authorities. Special ones reflect the specifics of such measures within the limits of the respective law enforcement agency, which is reflected in the content of the anti-corruption programme for the respective period. Local ones appear within the framework of the relevant law enforcement body (police), which is mediated by the anti-corruption programme of this particular body.

How to Cite

Denysova, A., Pavliutin, Y., & Dubenko, O. (2023). OVERCOMING CORRUPTION RISKS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(2), 110-117. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2023-9-2-110-117
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corruption, corruption risks, overcoming corruption risks, law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption program, anti-corruption legislation


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