

Published: Aug 25, 2023

  Bohdan Bohdana

  Oksana Kuzmenko

  Viktoriіa Chorna


Purpose. This article defines the variety of economic measures for the management of critical infrastructure objects. Attention is paid to their nature and characteristics, and it is shown how they affect the area under study. The object of the article is social relations arising in the spheres of critical infrastructure. The subject is economic measures of management of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine Economic measures of management of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine. Research methods are a system of ways of knowledge that allow to determine the concepts, types and characteristics of economic measures of critical infrastructure. A system of general and special scientific methods of knowledge was used in writing the article. It is about the dialectical method (used during the characterisation of the content of economic methods of public administration of critical infrastructure objects), the grouping method (used during the study of specific types of economic methods of public administration of critical infrastructure objects), the comparative legal method (it helped to compare economic methods of public administration of critical infrastructure objects), the method of documentary analysis (used to confirm the provisions on the facts of application of economic methods of public administration of critical infrastructure objects), the method of analysis (played a significant role in the formulation of the position and conclusions on the researched issues as declared in the article topic). The practical implications are that critical infrastructure facilities are of particular importance for the independence, economic stability and development of the state. The value/originality lies in the fact that the author gives the concept of economic measures of management of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine and distinguishes their types. Examples of ineffective application of economic measures in the field of critical infrastructure are given. Results. The system of economic measures for the public administration of critical infrastructure objects requires attracting huge funds both from the state budget of Ukraine and from local budgets, as well as from the private sector – operators of critical infrastructure objects. Economic measures, depending on their result and impact on critical infrastructure objects, are divided into 1) those that have a positive meaning, i.e., ensure their development and protection, and 2) negative, i.e. those that contribute to the removal of critical infrastructure objects from the competence of the state and negatively affect their condition and controllability. In addition, the types of economic measures of management of critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine are: 1) categorisation of critical infrastructure objects; 2) assessment of the need to improve their protection and security; 3) involvement of private partnership in the development and modernisation of critical infrastructure facilities; 4) stimulation of sectoral bodies in the reconstruction and modernisation of critical infrastructure facilities; 5) planning measures to ensure the stability and protection of critical infrastructure facilities; 6) privatisation; 7) monopolisation.

How to Cite

Bohdana, B., Kuzmenko, O., & Chorna, V. (2023). ECONOMIC MEASURES FOR MANAGING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(3), 22-32.
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critical infrastructure, economic management measures, categorisation of critical infrastructure facilities, public-private partnership, energy, oil and gas sector


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