

Published: Aug 25, 2023

  Sergii Vasyliev

  Artem Kysko

  Liudmyla Nikolenko


Economic ideology establishes a unified, standardised approach to assessing the state and prospects of the economic reality of the state. Accordingly, economic ideology can be defined as a conceptual design of a system of ideas, principles and regulations, individual views that can guide the process of socio-economic change, shape appropriate actions and interactions in the economic sphere and give a value assessment of the phenomena and processes of society in this direction. Ideology is emerging as an independent social phenomenon that requires not only proper study, but also the realisation of the opportunities it offers in everyday human life, the functioning of state and local governments, and the political and legal support of the process of social change in Ukrainian society. The subject of the study is economic ideology, its construction, content, types and place in the national ideology. The authors attempt to formulate the main parameters of economic ideology as a substantive component of the economic process and to propose a holistic system of using economic ideology to overcome crisis tendencies in the state. The methodological foundation of the study is based on the general principles of scientific knowledge: the principle of objectivity, which requires the identification of all factors and conditions determining the formation and development of economic ideology; the principle of historicism, which provides for the coverage of the development of systemic reforms in their historical context; the principle of multifactoriality, as the study of various objective and subjective factors influencing the formation, functioning and development of economic ideology. The paper uses such general scientific methods as description, observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis to understand ideology in the context of stabilising Ukraine's socio-economic development. The study of such a phenomenon as ideology has made it possible to identify several basic concepts that are actively used today by every scientific school of modern economics: economic ideology, certain types of economic ideology, and economic policy. The authors analyse certain types of economic ideology from the point of view of their historical formation, relevance, efficiency and prospects of application. Special attention is paid to the latest trends in economic theory. It is noted that today it is difficult to draw clear boundaries between the economic theories and models used to form the economic ideology of the state and those used by governments to achieve their goals. All of them are united by the common task of ensuring stable and uniform economic growth. In other words, the effectiveness of the tools of each economic ideology in one country will not always lead to similar results in another, so the feasibility of their implementation should be determined based on the macroeconomic situation of each country. At the same time, the economic ideology has a state-building character and is intended to combine the process of active state and national development in a single systemic model, in which the state is assigned one of the responsible roles. Results. Economic ideology is an integral part of the transformation of social relations, an important factor in the formation of the state economic system in the context of globalisation and European integration. The modernisation of the political and economic system of society and the development of civil society are impossible without the introduction of the latest economic ideology. Therefore, the inclusion of ideology in the list of central economic categories and its study as such, according to the authors, creates preconditions for understanding and solving many socio-economic problems that arise in society. Based on the study, the authors believe that the use of economic ideology to overcome the crisis phenomena of modern society is associated with the implementation of such areas as the formation of a theoretical ideological construct (model); selection of a consolidating socio-economic idea and filling each component of the defined construct (model) with content; development of economic programmes at the level of public administration, in accordance with the conceptual construct (model) of economic ideology.

How to Cite

Vasyliev, S., Kysko, A., & Nikolenko, L. (2023). ECONOMIC IDEOLOGY AS AN INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE CHANGE PROCESS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(3), 33-40.
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ideology, economic ideology, state ideology, state policy, Keynesianism, monetarism, supply-side economics, open economy policy, intellectual ideology, national branding ideology, economic nationalism ideology


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