

Published: Aug 25, 2023

  Andrii Anokhin

  Taras Vaida

  Nataliia Siur


The aim of this article is to study the economic and legal means of preventing road accidents abroad, and to determine the possibility and feasibility of incorporating positive foreign experiences into national legislation and legal practice. The subject of research is the economic and legal means of preventing road accidents abroad. The methodology of the publication is based on an organic combination of philosophical, general scientific and specific legal research methods. Taking into account the subject matter, the methodology of comparative jurisprudence is used to a greater extent. Results. The study of foreign experience in the application of economic and legal means of traffic accident prevention gives an idea of the general trends in strengthening the role of economic means of encouraging drivers to observe traffic rules, namely: legal regulation of the dependence of the amount of the fine on the amount of the offender's wages and other income; increasing insurance payments for drivers who systematically violate traffic rules; economic incentives for drivers who observe certain rules during the year; systematic investments in the development of road infrastructure, innovative AI means of traffic regulation, development of public transport; expansion of the network of toll motorways to relieve public roads. It is emphasized that borrowing the experience of foreign countries in the specific field of public relations without scientific substantiation and without taking into account the peculiarities of national traditions, legal consciousness and legal culture cannot solve the key problems of ensuring road safety and preventing road accidents in Ukraine.

How to Cite

Anokhin, A., Vaida, T., & Siur, N. (2023). ECONOMIC AND LEGAL MEANS OF PREVENTING ROAD ACCIDENTS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(3), 49-55.
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economic means, road accident, prevention, cost of living, accident cost, road safety, foreign experience


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