The subject of the study is the digital process of ensuring the economic system of agricultural enterprises. Methodology. In the course of the study, the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalisation, classification, formalisation, comparison, as well as abstract-logical and monographic methods were used. The aim of the paper is to study the key aspects and the process of developing a mechanism for ensuring the economic system of agricultural enterprises. Research results. Summarising the results, it is determined that ensuring the economic security of enterprise plays a crucial role in its overall functioning. Effective implementation of the mechanism of economic security of enterprise requires attention of managers to such aspects as integration into the global information space, corporate interests, rational use of resources, and clear organisation of activities. The basis of the mechanism of ensuring economic security is a systematic combination of various tools, methods, means and processes of providing information based on objective principles and needs of economic security management subjects to achieve and protect the financial interests of the enterprise. In addition, the dualism of the economic security system of agricultural enterprises is important: ensuring the proper functioning of an agricultural enterprise is achieved through the coordinated work of internal and external security mechanisms. The developed mechanism for ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises can be implemented at any enterprise and serve as a basis for improving its financial and economic activities to achieve the main goal of the entity. It is emphasised that economic security is formed through a set of economic measures aimed at protecting the economic system from the negative impact of the external and internal environment. This system of measures should ensure the formation of a capacity for sustainable operation, competitiveness in the relevant market and further development based on the effective use of existing potential.
How to Cite
economic security of enterprises, security mechanism, internal security mechanism, external security mechanism, food security
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