

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Pavlo Ilchuk

  Petro Viblyi

  Iryna Lashchyk


The main task of any economic entity in the context of crisis development is the timely development of anti-crisis measures, as well as the assessment of the ability to implement them in order to reduce the risk of bankruptcy and liquidation. An important place in the process of anti-crisis management in particular and the system of anti-crisis management in general is occupied by an anti-crisis capacity, the assessment of which allows determining the expediency of realization of anti-crisis measures and assessing their potential success. The problems of crisis development of enterprises and anti-crisis management are devoted to many scientific works of both domestic and foreign economists, among which the following should be noted: Larionova K.L., Ligonenko L.O., Shankret A.M., Suganiak M.V., Kovalenko V.V., Kamneva A.V., Shershnyova Z.E., Kuzmin O.Ye., Melnyk O.G., Alekseev I.V. Among the works of the abovementioned domestic and foreign economists, practically no work is devoted to the anti-crisis capacity of the company, which underlies any anti-crisis plan, and the success of its implementation depends on the results of its evaluation. The subject of the research is a set of theoretical, methodological, and applied principles of the anti-crisis capacity of enterprises. Methodology. In this research, the following general scientific methods have been used: systematization and generalization (in clarifying the essence of the concept of “anti-crisis capacity of the enterprise”); analogies, generalizations, and groupings (in the development of the classification of anti-crisis capacity of enterprises); economic-mathematical modelling (in forming the indicators’ system for assessing the anti-crisis capacity of the enterprise). The purpose of the article is to determinate the importance and necessity of assessing the anti-crisis capacity of the enterprise in terms of crisis development and anti-crisis management in general. Results. In the article, the essence and significance of the anti-crisis capacity of enterprises have been defined as an integral part of the anti-crisis management. It was established at what stage of the anti-crisis management process, the enterprise’s anti-crisis capacity should be assessed. Two types of the anticrisis capacity of the enterprise were singled out, for each of them the essence was determined and the estimation method was proposed. The importance and necessity of assessing the enterprise’s anti-crisis capacity in the context of anti-crisis management were substantiated in order to choose the optimal variant of anti-crisis measures and, accordingly, avoid bankruptcy and liquidation in the future.

How to Cite

Ilchuk, P., Viblyi, P., & Lashchyk, I. (2018). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE ANTI-CRISIS CAPACITY OF ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 88-93.
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crisis, anti-crisis management, anti-crisis capacity, nature, types, factors, evaluation method


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