

Published: Oct 12, 2018

  Maksym Pluhatyr

  Lesia Patyk

  Maryna Kulyk


The aim of the article is the analysis of the current state of Ukraine’s economy, consideration of positive and negative trends and the main factors for further economic growth, as well as the definition of an effective strategy for the development of the Ukrainian economy on this basis. The subject of the study is the consideration and analysis of positive and negative trends of the Ukrainian economic development. Methodology. The research is based on the dialectical method of scientific knowledge and general scientific methods: analysis, analogy, induction, and others. At the preliminary stage of this research, scientific methods of research, such as historicallegal, logical, system-structural, comparative-legal, statistical, and others, were used. The comparative legal study of European legislation enabled to identify ways of introducing a positive foreign experience in the economic sphere. The results of the study revealed that implementing foreign experience in the national economy would be helpful in some key economic problems hindering the national economy’s development. However, to integrate into the EU, Ukraine tries to overcome the negative trends of the economic crisis through reforms and adopting appropriate strategies. The main positive stages of the economic development in Ukraine over the last five years were identified. To increase the share of high-tech and innovation sector, the necessity of a current complex structural transformation of the economy was proved. Practical implications. The main principles to form and implement the economic development strategy based on the coordination of strategic priorities and strategic objectives of the EU, as well as the necessity of reforming the economic sector to develop perspective spheres of the Ukrainian economy, were determined. Relevance/originality. The coherence of strategic priorities and strategic goals to enhance the validity and effectiveness of the economic development strategy of Ukraine was proved.

How to Cite

Pluhatyr, M., Patyk, L., & Kulyk, M. (2018). THE ECONOMY OF UKRAINE: DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT, NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE TRENDS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(3), 211-215.
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economy, strategy, development, foreign experience, factors, innovation development


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