

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Natalya Andryeyeva

  Sergey Nezdoyminov

  Olena Martynіuk


The purpose of the article is to identify environmental risks and economic problems of the formation of the national ecological network and development directions of “green” tourism in the recreational and protected areas in the context of the transition to sustainable development. Methodology. The abstract-logical method (in the process of theoretical generalizations and the formation of conclusions); methods of statistical, structural, and factor analysis (in the process of studying the structure and dynamics of the development of ecological networks); empirical research methods (comparison) are used. In preparing the article, the authors analysed the works of scientists, which reflect approaches to the definition of the role of ecological networks, the natural potential of recreational areas in the transition to sustainable development. Changes in nature are evaluated through indicators of the dynamics of areas of the nature reserve fund, which form the national ecological network. Results. According to the results of the study, it is determined that the area of Ukrainian land belonging to the components of the national ecological network increased by 201.3 thousand hectares in comparison with 2000, but since 2014 this area has decreased by 0.6 thousand hectares. The area of forests and forest cover area increased by 2.8 thousand hectares, and the area of grassland and pasture fell by 7.8 thousand hectares. There is a tendency to increase the area of arable land, since 2014 it has increased by 15.8 thousand hectares and is 32541.3 thousand hectares. Compared to 2014, the area of land under open development, quarries, mines, and related structures (157.1 thousand hectares) has increased by 0.8 thousand hectares and the land area used for transport and communication (496.8 thousand hectares) has increased (by 0.1 thousand hectares). In 2016, 32.5 billion UAH were spent on the protection of the environment by enterprises, organizations, and institutions of Ukraine, and in 2015 – 24.6 billion UAH respectively. Practical implications. The necessity of elaboration of regional measures to develop “green infrastructure” of ecosystem services is determined. In the regions of Ukraine, it is necessary to develop balanced approaches to the use of the potential of nature conservation area of tourist nature use, international experience of implementing cross-border tourism projects in the Carpathian National Nature Park, and to form integrated investment regional tourism projects of ecological orientation. State policy in the field of recreational nature management should regulate the development of recreation and tourism sphere, first of all, in view of compliance with the requirements of ecologically balanced use of natural resources and ecologically balanced development of territories. The introduction of green tourism development lines will have a positive effect on the formation of ecological networks. Particularly, these measures are necessary to find additional investments for environmental protection measures and the development of ecological networks in Ukraine. Value/originality. In regions of Ukraine, it is necessary to begin work on the creation of a network of hiking and cycle routes in nature protection recreational territories and in regional nature parks. Their operation will enable the development of ecological networks, green tourism, and ecological areas of hospitality in the country.

How to Cite

Andryeyeva, N., Nezdoyminov, S., & MartynіukO. (2018). «GREEN» INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE ECONOMY OF RECREATIONAL NATURE USE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 6-13. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-4-6-13
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ecological networks, sustainable development, natural potential, recreational territories, nature management, region


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