

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Ruslan Buriak

  Maryna Rudenko

  Ihor Chornodid


The object of research is the market for Ukrainian table eggs. Having analysed the domestic market for table eggs, the main trends are found there. The dynamics of the consumption of table eggs in our country over the last few years and the factors that have the greatest impact are studied. The aim of the article. The research is to analyse and assess the condition of the table eggs market. Methodology. The study was conducted using a systematic approach, using methods of economic-statistical, logical, and functional analysis. The factors that influence the level of competition of domestic enterprises in the market for eating eggs are determined. Established market concentration indicators and calculated the concentration coefficients and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, which indicate a significant degree of concentration in the market of the four largest egg production companies and the tendency to reduce the share of giant companies in this market. Value/originality. It is established that the domestic market for table eggs is oligopoly with undeveloped competition, which negatively affects its development, updating of assortment and consumer prices. One of the leaders in the market of food eggs is AVANGARDCO IPL, which offers the market its rather diverse branded products. The peculiarities of the activity of the agroindustrial company “AVANGARDCO IPL” as the leading producer of eating eggs in the market for poultry products with a high technological level, quality of products, and supply stability are investigated. In the future, such enterprises will gradually eliminate products produced at enterprises with less technological production, and therefore, more expensive and less qualitative. The features that are inherent in organic products and have their specifics in the context of the poultry product subcomplex are determined. On the basis of the conducted researches, the peculiarities of the demand for organic eggs produced by AVANGARDCO IPL were determined, which allowed substantiating the priority of the development of organic production for this enterprise in the market of our state and the EU countries.

How to Cite

Buriak, R., Rudenko, M., & Chornodid, I. (2018). MARKETING RESEARCH OF TABLE EGGS MARKET. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 69-75.
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poultry products, table eggs, consumer market, eggs market, market concentration


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