

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Nataliia Zolotarova

  Hennadii Shevchuk

  Andrii Shevarikhin


The aim of the article is to analyse the foreign experience of the social security system of law enforcement personnel, to distinguish the features of establishing the rates and types of remuneration for law enforcement personnel in foreign countries, to determine the interrelation between the standard of social security and work experience and professional competencies. The subject of the study is the foreign experience of the social security system for law enforcement officials. Methodology. The study is based on a comparison of the social security system for law enforcement officials in Ukraine and in foreign countries. The analysis of the features of social security for law enforcement officers enabled to determine the advantages and disadvantages of different social security systems. A comparative legal study of certain provisions of Ukrainian legislation enabled to reveal the possibilities and limits of the application of positive foreign experience in this sphere. The results of the study revealed that in Ukraine the solution of problems on the performance improvement of law enforcement is interrelated with the issues of social security for personnel at work. Therefore, nowadays one of the main objectives is the development of a clear system of social security for law enforcement officers, including police officers, formation of an effective system of remuneration, based on performance indicators. Practical implications. In developed countries, the practice of social policy has formed several areas of its implementation. These include wage policy, social insurance, including medical, pension insurance, housing policy, as well as allowances and social benefits. Some aspects of social security for employees should be studied as a positive example for Ukraine in the course of social reforms. However, the application of foreign experience does not mean a mechanical transfer of certain forms of social security of foreign countries to Ukrainian reality. It should be considered that some aspects of reforming social security for law enforcement officers are universal; other aspects can be applied only under certain conditions related to the political situation in the country, the level of economic development, traditions, as well as the level of crime and criminalization of society. Relevance/originality. A comparative analysis of the ratio of social security systems for law enforcement officers is the basis for developing the most promising areas of domestic legislation in this sphere.

How to Cite

Zolotarova, N., Shevchuk, H., & Shevarikhin, A. (2018). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 116-119.
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law enforcement bodies, police, social security, pay system


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