

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Marianna Stehnei

  Inna Irtysheva

  Olena Gurina


The aim of the article is to study the current state of financial provision of the social sphere of the Black Sea region and to develop practical recommendations for its optimization in conditions of decentralization processes. Methodology. We have made a generalization of the theoretical provisions of the financial mechanism of the social sphere of the region. We propose to investigate the financial mechanism of the social sphere of the Black Sea region by means of analysis of indicators of income and expenditure parts of the budget of regions of the Black Sea region. At the present stage of the gradual transformation of the socio-economic development of the regions and in the context of the implementation of the budget decentralization reform, a number of acute problems from the financial support of social development, the guarantee of social standards for the population, and the improvement of the quality of social services arose. The solution of these problems needs a substantial research in the direction of developing the best models for financing social development of the regions, which will promote the achievement of decent social standards and stimulate economic growth. The financial mechanism for providing social development of the Black Sea region is analysed, the current state of the regional budget in terms and trends in financing social expenditures of the region is identified. It is determined that despite the increase in tax revenues, local authorities still do not have sufficient financial resources to perform their functions and tasks. It adversely affects the development of social infrastructure, provision of social services, and does not contribute to the effective human development, which serves not only as the main goal but also as a key determinant of the economic development of the region. It is substantiated that in order to improve the situation in the social sphere of the region, it is necessary to improve the financial mechanism of social security. On the basis of the investigated scientific approaches, the concept of “mechanism of the financial provision of socially-oriented regional development” is clarified, directions of budget and extrabudgetary financing of social expenditures are substantiated, and proposals on the improvement of financial management of social sphere in the conditions of decentralization are developed. Results. To improve the system of financial provision of social development of the region, it was proposed to establish clear and transparent financial relations in the areas of income generation and distribution of regional budget expenditures at all levels, to create conditions for additional attraction of financial resources from extrabudgetary sources aimed at the implementation of regional social programs, and to form an effective system control over the functioning of the financial mechanism, primarily on the part of the territorial communities. Value/originality. The concept of the mechanism of the financial provision of socially-oriented regional development is generalized. An estimation of the social sphere of the Black Sea region is carried out on the basis of the analysis of indicators of income and expenditure parts of budgets of regions of the Black Sea region, the use of which allows determining the perspective directions of the social sphere of the Black Sea region.

How to Cite

Stehnei, M., Irtysheva, I., & Gurina, O. (2018). FINANCIAL MECHANISM OF THE SOCIO-ORIENTED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLACK SEA REGION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 202-208.
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social sphere, financial support mechanism, regional budget, social expenditures, extra budgetary sources, decentralization


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