

Published: Dec 18, 2018

  Olga Marchenko

  Nataliia Maryniv

  Olga Yarmak


The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological principles of the interconnection and interdependence of innovation and the socio-economic efficiency of tax consulting and on this basis to determine the areas and tasks of innovation management in this sphere. The subject of the study is innovation and innovative tax consulting services. Methodology. The research is based on the use of general scientific and special-scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The systematic approach enabled to reveal the content of the social and economic efficiency of tax consulting as the integrity of its economic performance as a practical legal activity based on enterprise and a structural unit of the national economy and socio-economic effects of its functioning as an institution of legal economy and the rule of law. The method of functional analysis enabled to substantiate the author’s approach to the definition of infrastructural and imputed functions of the tax-consulting institute, to reveal the content of its innovative function, its internal and external components. Based on a categorical analysis of innovations in the legal sphere, the concept of innovations and innovative services of tax consulting is considered to reveal a combination of legal, economic, social, and innovative characteristics in its content. The methodology of facet classification enabled to determine and characterize types of innovations in tax consulting, such as product, process, management-organizational, social innovations, as well as to ground areas and measures of management of innovative activity in this sphere of practical legal activity. The results of the study revealed that the social and economic efficiency of tax consulting as a unity of its economic performance and socio-economic effects are closely interconnected with its innovation, because innovations as certain changes in the product, technology, service provision, consulting, and market activity are efficiency factor, while possibilities of their implementation depend on the economic results of entrepreneurial activity in legal assistance on taxation and the quality of management of innovation activity. Practical implications. In the research, the classification of tax consulting innovations enabled to reveal the areas and management measures of innovation development in this practical legal activity to ensure its efficiency as a type of entrepreneurial activity and socio-economic institute, consisting of updating the product portfolio by developing and providing bundled, boutique services, development of niche industries; tax consulting on-line and automation of typical professional services; use of legal crowdsourcing and crowdfunding; introduction of the model of open innovation; management of innovative knowledge; formation of external and internal tax consulting networks; pro bono services. Relevance/originality. The proposed author’s approach to the definition of the socio-economic efficiency and the innovative function of tax consulting, their interconnection and interdependence is the theoretical basis for, first, studies of socio-economic and legal conditions and factors of effective legal assistance on taxation on an innovative foundation, and second, development of activities for the innovative improvement of tax consulting, and effective realization of its functions.

How to Cite

Marchenko, O., Maryniv, N., & Yarmak, O. (2018). INNOVATION AS A FACTOR OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF TAX CONSULTING. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(4), 238-243.
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tax consulting, social and economic efficiency of tax consulting, innovative function of tax consulting, innovations and innovative services of tax consulting, management of innovative activity of tax consulting subjects


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