

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Viktor Koval

  Yuriy Polyezhayev

  Anastasiia Bezkhlibna


The characteristic of the regional labour market requires the usage of modern aspects for the key factors’ analysis of labour cost increase. The high rate of migration, covering Ukraine in recent years, is influencing negatively on the labour market structure. It is necessary to remark among positive features that the demand increasing for highly intellectual staff, skilful in communication in foreign languages and building up social relations is of great importance. The subject of scientific research defines communicative competences as the key factors of human capital, which promotes the increase in competitiveness of an individual in the labour market and, as a result, an increase of the regional competitiveness. The aim of the research is to establish the dependency between the level of communicative competence and competitiveness in the labour market studying communicative competence factors in terms of the theory of human capital, the determination of the conformity between the requirements to human capital and the conformity of the investigated factors to these requirements. Communicative competencies are a set of skills, which allows labour market entity distinctly expressing and applying the business format of communication. The practical use of oratory allows negotiating with foreign counterparties, putting into practice the etiquette of business communication, and competently solving the complicated situations. The research of existing requirements to communicative competence defined the levels of qualification, which ensure the development of new kinds of activities. It defined the position of Ukraine in professional communicative competence in the world rating. The research was to carry out of rating assessment of the economic situation in regions according to economic indicators, which can be changed under the influence of a factor of the communicative contractors’ competence (average monthly-paid salary per an employee, export, and import of goods in the region, turnover of retail trade). The methodology of the research is based on the research of the role of human capital factors in increasing the cost of labour on the basis of the statistical method and analysing data of the labour market economic indicators, and in substantiating the relationship between the level of professional communicative competence in the country and its social and economic indicators. Value/originality. The methods of analysis and synthesis allowed revealing regularities and formulating recommendations for improving the competitiveness of the regional labour market by inducing the development of communicative competences and raising the index of human capital of the country in a whole. Positive dynamics of import and export, business activity, direct foreign investment and overall trade turnover indicators will be immediately reflected in a whole at the regional level and at the level of the country. Life expectancy of the population, the level of education and culture, the criminal situation decreasing will be approved by the social indicators.

How to Cite

Koval, V., Polyezhayev, Y., & Bezkhlibna, A. (2018). COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCES IN ENHANCING OF REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS IN THE LABOUR MARKET. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 105-113.
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European integration, foreign language, human capital, rating, international trade, export, import


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