

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Olena Tykhonova

  Oleksandr Sviderskyi

  Iryna Yefremova


The aim of the article is a comparative legal study of the organizational aspects of fiscal authorities in Ukraine and in some foreign countries and so to determine ways to improve domestic legislation in this area. The subject of the study is the domestic and foreign experience of the structure and activity of fiscal authorities in such countries as the United States, the UK, France, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Methodology. The study is based on the use of general scientific and special scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The historical method enabled to study the origin and formation of fiscal authorities in Ukraine. Analysis and synthesis enabled to interrogate the fiscal system of Ukraine and some foreign countries as a complex legal phenomenon, defining its essence, characteristics, and targets. The method of the system approach enabled to determine the place of individual fiscal authorities in the financial system of the country, to analyse their main responsibilities, functions and areas of activity. The comparative legal method enabled to analyse the experience of the organization and activities of fiscal authorities in foreign countries, as well as to define the ways of its implementation in the national legal system. The results of the study revealed that for today the experience of Ukraine in the organization of activity of fiscal authorities is rather progressive and modern, and the national fiscal system is characterized by consolidation of powers in coordinating and controlling taxation and customs, which defines progressiveness of our country. Practical implications. The positive experience of the fiscal organization in foreign countries suggests the expediency of including national fiscal authorities in a single centralized system of executive power, through the creation of a separate ministry. This will enable not only to improve the efficiency of generating the state budget but also in the future will lead to overcoming the gap between the tax-customs policy and its application results. Relevance/originality. A comparative analysis of the organizational aspects of fiscal authorities in foreign countries is the basis for developing priority areas for improving the fiscal system of Ukraine, identifying gaps in its work, as well as introducing in the activity of fiscal bodies the newest methods that can increase their level and bring them into line with international standards.

How to Cite

Tykhonova, O., Sviderskyi, O., & Yefremova, I. (2018). ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS OF FISCAL AUTHORITIES IN UKRAINE AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 357-363.
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fiscal authorities, taxation, customs, foreign experience


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