

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Svitlana Faizova

  Marina Ivanova

  Tetiana Pozhuieva


The prospects and directions of improvement of the methodology for strategic enterprise management have been highlighted. The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological aspects of creating a strategic enterprise management system based on the concept of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC). It has been revealed that in the context of changing the concept of the enterprise strategic development toward the growth of its intellectual capital as the main factor of competitiveness, the evolution of the enterprise management and planning system from strategic enterprise management to balanced enterprise management is taking place. The balanced scorecard has been defined as the basic concept of balanced enterprise management. The purpose of the study is to outline the prospects and directions for improving the methodology of strategic enterprise management under the conditions of its evolution into balanced enterprise management. Results. On the basis of a mathematical representation of the sphere of strategic responsibility (SSR) of the enterprise as an organizational and infrastructural environment for balanced enterprise management, it has been proved that the interaction of the SSR content components results in a synergistic effect of its expansion. This, in turn, determines the necessity and possibility of distributing the company’s SSR beyond its management and involving the initiative owners in the process of balanced enterprise management. Accordingly, the prospects for improvement of the strategic enterprise management methodology have been defined as an integration of strategic management systems, approaches, methods and the BSC with non-traditional eventological methods combined with the analytic hierarchy process. It has been proved that, from the standpoint of the eventology, subjective observations and the mathematical apparatus of the theory of random events allow identification of general statistical regularities of the probabilistic set distribution in various, including management, systems. From the standpoint of a balanced approach, the need for enriching the methodology of the BSC as a system of balanced enterprise management, using the eventological analysis, is being boosted by the need to take into account the growing number of random, multi-directional and seemingly unrelated factors in the management process. Methodology. The following research methods were used in the study: the expert assessment method, factor analysis – for the formation of the management panel of the BSC; the eventological scoring and analytic hierarchy process – for balancing and structuring key performance indicators (KPI), economic and mathematical methods – to analyse the SSRs of the enterprise as an organizational and infrastructural environment for balanced enterprise management; a critical analysis – to compare alternative approaches to the formation of the BSC. Value/originality. To achieve the purpose of the study, the BSC methodology has been presented as a system of balanced enterprise management. A methodical approach to balancing and structuring KPIs, using the results of eventological analysis and analytic hierarchy process, has been proposed. Its practical implications include the possibility of reaching the target balance of indicators taking into account weighing coefficients of the main indicator selection criteria, the possibility to determine the whole system balance index as the average of the balance indices of each of the indicators that characterize the enterprise performance. The ways of implementing the methods of e-scoring and analytic hierarchy process for the assessment and correction of the enterprise’s strategy have been studied. Integration of e-scoring with the strategic enterprise management method and the BSC methodology provides an effective vertical communication as the basic principle of balanced enterprise management, which extends the scope of strategic responsibility to subordinate initiative owners.

How to Cite

Faizova, S., Ivanova, M., & Pozhuieva, T. (2018). PROSPECTS FOR IMPROVING THE METHODOLOGY OF STRATEGIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 371-378.
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strategic enterprise management, Balanced Scorecard, balanced scorecard methodology, methodology of eventological analysis, analytic hierarchy process


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