

Published: Jun 22, 2016

  Larysa Zhukova


The purpose of the article is the research of theoretical and methodological aspects of social policy as the factor of institutional state statuses. Methodology. The researching in institutional providing of state social policy which may be considered as the base for performance of correspond reforms which are directed to the life level increasing, is enough popular task in scientific, theoretical and practical aspects. The scientific search of social policy as the factor of institutional status of state is carried out at the base of classical, neoclassical and institutional methodology. At the base of classical methodology it were defined the general approaches with help of dialectical analysis tools and synthesis of social relations array as historical action. With the help of system, structurally-functional analysis of social policy tasks, it’s opened its internal nature and ways of institutional providing. Institutional and neoclassical approaches allowed the specials analysing tools in modelling of dynamics and institute of social policy institute results in the conditions of market transformations. Also in the research process it were used the economic articles about the question of analysis in state social policy and given the statistic data about the analytical report to the annual President’s of Ukraine message to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine „About internal and external condition of Ukraine in year 2015”. Research results showed what in the conditions of socially-economic and political instability, the social sphere Ukraine became the hostage of common crisis in economic, catastrophic decreasing of life level, increasing of social confrontation and rough system mistakes in the process of social institution formation. All of this neutralizes the methods efficiency about improvement of socially-economic condition of population and prevents to the implementation of necessary reforms. Practical value lays in the clear definition of priorities and directions of social policy at the state level, outlining of the main efficient ways and forms for citizens problems solving, coordinating of different social institutions activity, considering of socially-economic state development features and appearing of conditions for life level increasing. By the striving for integration to European space and building of own development strategy has to clearly understand own possibilities and external factors of influence. By the choosing the possible alternatives, the main idea of social policy should stay the strive for social justice of society and providing of stable market which doesn’t make worse the conditions and possibilities of future generations. Value/originality in the research process it’s proves that one of the primary task must be magnificent change of social policy vector and performance of urgent economic and social reforms. Looking to this, social policy institute needs serious modernization, especially in its functional displays which could be more directed to the for state social development closing for European standards. Closing of Ukraine to the economic and social standards of developed countries needs the building of socially justice society, providing of suite life conditions for socially vulnerable levels of population and increasing in efficiency of human rights protection system. In this direction, the government has to decrease the social expenses to the budget by means of private investments, transmission targeted support needy. In conditions of budget means economy, it should be carried out the transmission from paternalism in the social sphere to partnership between state, business and citizens in all aspects of social support, the result of successful functioning of social policy functioning as factor of institutional state status must be general development of Ukrainians life level.

How to Cite

Zhukova, L. (2016). SOCIAL POLICY AS FACTOR OF STATE INSTITUTIONAL STATUS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(1), 46-52.
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state, social institute, social policy, institutional state status, institutional changes, social reforms.


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