

Published: Mar 22, 2019

  Oleg Kuzmin

  Natalia Stanasiuk

  Olexandra Vivchar


The purpose of the paper is the formation of a new type of industrial clusters as a modern basis for the spatial development of industrial potential. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is methods of scientific cognition, which allow revealing the essence of the clustering process. In particular, the following methods are used: fuzzy cluster analysis – for the construction of intellectual-innovative industrial clusters; grouping – for the determination of types of intellectually-innovative industrial clusters; systematization – for studying foreign experience; abstraction – for the formation of theoretical generalization and conclusions. Results. Foreign experience of effective cluster structures creation in the industrial sector of the economy is analysed and the necessity of establishing cooperation between education, science, and business structures is proved. By means of the indistinct S-averages method, taking into account indicators of development of industrial potential intellectual and innovative components, measures matrices of Ukraine’s administrative-territorial units belonging to four clusters have been developed, each of the clusters differs by the development level of corresponding component (very high, high, average, and low). On the basis of the achieved results, the conclusion is made that it is necessary to create intellectually-innovative industrial clusters in which administrative-territorial units with the high development level of intellectual potential will act as a catalyst of innovative development of the industrial potential. The role of the state is defined as an activator of establishing cooperation between education, science, and business structures. It was offered to work out the conception of cluster policy and distinguish pilot projects in the industrial sector of the economy taking into account modern directions of the global economic development. Global practical experience of stimulation of industrial potential innovative development is generalized on a cluster basis. With the aim to institutionalize the activity of intellectually-innovative industrial clusters creation, it is offered to use a cluster passport with the introduction of such sections as innovativeness of a project and relevance to the strategic targets of the state economic development. Practical implications. Practical implications are related to the possibility of establishing an effective dialogue not only between business structures but also with educational establishments, scientific institutions, and government bodies. Value/originality lies in the development of a typology of industrial clusters taking into account indicators of development of intellectual and innovative components and the formation on this basis of the cluster concept of the development of industrial potential.

How to Cite

Kuzmin, O., Stanasiuk, N., & Vivchar, O. (2019). INTELLECTUALLY-INNOVATIVE CLUSTERS AS THE BASIS OF INDUSTRIAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(1), 118-125.
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cluster, innovations, innovative development, industrial potential, intellectual component


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