

Published: Jul 31, 2019


The purpose of the paper. This paper outlines a comprehensive study of the essence and the essential synthesis elements of a Research University’s innovation capacity. The following tasks were set as the article’s objectives: 1) to analyse the development of scientific thought in the field of innovation potential; 2) to provide the author’s definition of the innovative potential of such a university; 3) to structure the system of evaluation of the university’s innovation potential. This study examines the new realities of needs for universities of the 21st Century to improve their development management through a focus on the concept of “open” innovations. Methodology. This research is based on a careful analysis of the innovation capacity by the evolution of scientific thought. Scientific literature has expressed varying and opposing views as to the nature of the innovation capacity. However, very little has been identified to empirically judge the university’s innovation capacity. Results. The present work suggested definitions of “Research University’s innovation capacity” through the main component based on a novel integration approach. That approach includes the unity of the three types of economic activity. Those three are the provision of educational services, the provision of high-tech business services (carrying out R&D on a commercial basis), and innovative activities through commercialization of intellectual property. That also encompasses the creation of start-ups or spin-off companies, producing high technology products. The paper provides an opportunity to focus on a systemic approach to assessing the university. Proposed systematic evaluation of the university’s innovation potential through its internal and external components: organizational and managerial component; information and methodical component; the intellectual component; the research component; production and technological component; financial component; marketing component; global networks; research laboratories of TNCs; scientific unions and organizations; international consortia. This approach to the assessment provides with a more extensive comprehension of the main fields of activities of the Research University. The interaction of these components gives an opportunity to obtain a synergistic effect that will lead to their mutual reinforcement in the strategic perspective. Practical implications. It can be used by experts to comprehensively assess the potential of a world-class university by training human resources, solving complicated scientific and technological issues in order to obtain the economic outputs. Value. This research highlights the necessity to review the approaches to assessment of the innovative potential in the Research University. The authors presented their own vision of the internal and external components of the innovative potential of the Research University.

How to Cite

Zhylinska, O., Sitnicki, M., & Vikulova, A. (2019). SYSTEMATIC ASSESSMENT OF THE INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF A RESEARCH UNIVERSITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(2), 38-44.
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research university, innovative potential of research university, components of innovation potential of research university, evaluation mechanism


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