

Published: Jun 23, 2016

  Lyudmila Pron’ko

  Tatyana Kolesnik


The purpose of research is to examine the purpose of a modern system of local government in Ukraine, scientific analysis of the feasibility and benefits of implemented reforms for decentralization and subsidiary of local authorities, decentralization of public power and public control, and the need to strengthen the political status of local governments. Methodology. The methodological base for research on decentralization and local government reforms to strengthen the political status of local government and decentralization of public power is the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, as well as publications on these issues of domestic and foreign authors. As a result (Results) study determined that according to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On local government in Ukraine” The elements of local government are: local community; Village, town, city council; Village, town, city mayor; executive bodies of village, town and city councils; district (in the city) Council, created in cities with district division by the decision of the territorial community, or city council; district and regional councils, which represent common interests of territorial communities of villages, towns and cities; BSP; system of government in Ukraine is not fulfilling the role assigned to it, because there is twofold subordination and uncertainty powers of representative and executive bodies. Today there is a three-level administrative division: basic level (village, town or city), district level and level area. There is a local government council and executive body (all the decisions and programs approved by the Regional Council performed by RSA, those public authorities). Thus there is a need for continued reform of local government on the principles of decentralization and subsidiary principle because they are building the foundation of the state; One of the hallmarks of a modern democratic society has become political decentralization, the function of which is the implementation of a public authority independent of the state entities unrelated relationship of subordination. The degree of autonomy is determined that they belong to a relatively independent of the type of public authority – local government. Practical implication. Proposal reforms to decentralize power on the ground are that the three-tiered structure remains, but unlike the current situation where at district and area is under State Administration and State Administration, through amendments to the Constitution should be established district and regional executive bodies. Exist and district administration and state administration, which appointed the President of the Government’s submissions. This reform should take place through changes in the Constitution; inclusion in the consideration of the bill “On public control”, which will affect local governments and utility companies; strengthening political status of local governments. Value/originality. Systematic reforms in terms of priority must be given a New Constitution that guarantees enhanced political status and European standards of local government.

How to Cite

Pron’ko, L., & Kolesnik, T. (2016). DECENTRALIZATION OF PUBLIC AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(1), 96-100.
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local government, decentralization, public authority’s reform, local community, public control of local governments.


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