

Published: May 23, 2022


The article is focused on the practical manifestations Euroscepticism in the countries of Central Europe. Using a combination of content analysis research method and the classification of Euroscepticism given by Sioren Riisho, the foundations of the Eurosceptic policies of the leading parties of the Visegrád Group countries are identified. Special emphasis is placed on the role of national integration factors in forming a Eurosceptic political base. The analysis focuses on the policy documents that were published before the parliamentary elections in Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. The choice of research subjects (political parties) enabled the widest range of right-wing political forces in Central Europe to be studied. The content analysis and criteria used to identify Eurosceptic statements in the programmes of the political parties under study are described in the article in a step-by-step manner, which makes it possible to use this methodology to analyse other documents and manifestations of Eurosceptic policy.

How to Cite

Mishchuk, V. (2022). THE ORIGINS OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN EUROSCEPTICISM. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 68-79.
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integration, European Union, national factors, Euroscepticism, Euro-Realism, Visegrád Group.

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