

Published: Aug 1, 2022


The purpose of this article is to present the author's position on special aspects of the war crimes investigation process in Ukraine today. The novelty of this concept presents systematization of challenges faced by pre-trial investigation bodies during the war crimes investigation; description of the current state and prospects of standardization the war crimes investigation; explication how the digital age affects the investigation process. Methodological basis of the study includes systemic, comparative approaches, formal and logical methods (generalization, analysis, synthesis, etc.). The conclusions show the geopolitical, legal, tactical, logistical and other challenges faced by law enforcement agencies today; emphasize the value of standardization of the investigation process, algorithms of procedural actions, foreign experience and development on this basis of specialized investigation methodology; present the peculiarities of the war crimes investigation in the digital age.

How to Cite

Dufeniuk, O. (2022). INVESTIGATION OF WAR CRIMES IN UKRAINE: CHALLENGES, STANDARDS, INNOVATIONS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 46-56.
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war crimes, international humanitarian law, pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings, standardization, digital age

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