

Published: Oct 25, 2022


The article revealed the ways of applying critical thinking technology in mathematics lessons as a means of implementing innovative activities. The practical implementation of the technology of critical thinking in mathematics lessons is aimed to generalize the experience of scientists on this pedagogical problem and implement the educational process through the activities of students, during which they learned something new. In the process of research, the methodological base has been composed of a set of theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical methods (observation of the actions of participants in the educational process, surveys). During the research, we found out that this technology significantly contributes to the formation of students' readiness for innovative activities, which allows the child to be successful and competitive in later life.

How to Cite

Bondarenko, D. (2022). СRITICAL THINKING TECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-2-4
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educational process, technology of critical thinking, innovative activity, mathematics lessons, participants in the educational process, students of education.

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