

Published: Oct 26, 2022


The article reveals the main aspects of industrialization in Prykarpattia during the arrival of the second “Soviets”. With the arrival of the Soviet army in the Carpathians began significant transformations in the economy. The new government began to transform the country’s agricultural region into an industrial one. The stages of creation of the largest industrial giants in heavy industry are revealed. The process of transition from the agricultural sector to the construction of heavy plants and factories is described. The process of formation of the first chemically processing and chemically mining enterprises is revealed. The process of formation of oil mines, potash and ore mines is analyzed. The process of transition of the Prykarpattia region to the rails of rapid industrialization is described. The hidden motives of the real industrialization of the Stinislav region, which in political terms continued to be in opposition to the new government, are also described. It was believed that this is where large chemical plants should be built, which were harmful to their emissions. In the forest industry there was an active construction of sawmills and processing plants in Kolomyia, Verkhovyna, etc. The process of industrialization itself was difficult, as the ancient infrastructure of Prykarpattia was destroyed.

How to Cite

Sankovich, M. (2022). INDUSTRIALIZATION IN THE CARPATHIANS DURING THE ARRIVAL OF SECOND COUNCILS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 170-174.
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industrialization, processing industry, industry, Prykarpattia, plants, factories.

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