

Published: Oct 26, 2022


The article is devoted to the operatic work of Gaetano Donizetti, the intonational features of which are considered on the example of one of the composer’s earliest operas «Anna Bolenа». It is an example not only of the author’s first success in this genre, but also of a successful combination of an expressive melody with dramatic content, as well as the author’s individual melodic writing of G. Donizetta in the 1830s along with «Maria Stewart», «Lucrezia Borgia», «Lucia di Lammermoor». Іn article methods are applied historiographic, genre-style methods and the method of intonational analysis. It is established that the specificity of the composer’s melodic style is the strengthening of the role of speech intonation, its growing into the thematics of both cantilena and virtuoso constructions, as well as the frequent use of recitative and ariose cues, due to which a natural transition from one emotion to another is created, which is extremely important. for the genre of lyrical drama.

How to Cite

Rui, S. (2022). INTONATION STRUCTURE OF DONIZETT’S GAETANO OPERA (based on the example «Anne Bolena»). Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 189-194.
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musical drama, bel canto, melodic style, coloratura, cantilena, language intonation.

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