

Published: Oct 26, 2022


The «information age» has changed profoundly the way we generate, store and exchange information, the way of interaction within and between individuals, institutions, societies and entities. The research aims to define frameworks of collection, usage, storage and distribution of information for better understanding legal and ethical responsibilities of states and citizens concerning application information technologies at social and political relationships. The research methodology comprises comparative case study of technology institutionalisation and its consequences for both developed and developing societies, namely, how the different societies may react to the impact of technology, what could the patterns of further relations between states, citizens and capitalist corporations be, defining prospects of the technocratic techno-science policies, multi-level governance and digital citizenship.

How to Cite

Tsymbal, V., & Shachkovska, L. (2022). PUBLIC CHALLENGES OF DIGITALISATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 221-225.
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state security, information security policy, e-governance, smart citizenship, multi-level governance, populism.

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