

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article is devoted to the problem that belongs to the interdisciplinary topic’s social measurements of food security. Ukrainian sociology missing somehow notable bodies of works in these thematic planes. That is why the article is a statement of the problem and has an orienting character. The task of the authors is to problematize sociological means relevant to the frontline city transformation of food practices. The article aimed to characterize the sociological potential of the military factor of the global food crisis through the prism of challenges to food security in Ukrainian frontline city. It represents the results of the original reconnaissance case study, which the authors did in Kharkiv from May to August 2022 as part of the project FUSILLI (a Food and natural resources project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No.101000717). Based on the received results the authors formulated assumptions about the main directions of transformation of food practices of the residents of a large city, in which underway combat actions. The authors also offered methods and directions of possible sociological research that allow verifying this assumption.

How to Cite

Lytovchenko, A., & Nekhaienko, O. (2023). URBAN FARMING AS A TOOL OF FOOD SECURITY IN FRONT-LINE KHARKIV: GLOBAL PROBLEMS FROM MICROSOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-4-6
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food security, urban farming, case study, microsociology, the frontline city

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