

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article presents the results of the approbation of the electronic textbook, which was created as a means of developing pre-service specialists’ subject competence. The authors note that the e-textbook is an e-learning publication with a systematic presentation of learning content that corresponds to the educational program, includes digital objects of various formats and provides interaction. The advantages of electronic textbooks, features of development and use of Electrical Engineering electronic textbooks for vocational education were substantiated. The expediency of using an electronic book for the formation of pre-service specialists’ subject competence in the electrical field of vocational training has been presented. The levels of formation of subject competence were determined, and the efficiency of using the e-learning tool, which increased the level of student’s academic achievements, was proved. It was emphasized that the introduction of the developed Electrical Engineering electronic textbook gave grounds to state that the material offered in the book motivated the students to study and allowed them to solve learning problems successfully.

How to Cite

Svyrydiuk, V., & Svyrydiuk, O. (2023). EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRE-SERVICE PROFESSIONALS’ SUBJECT COMPETENCE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 86-93.
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information technology, electronic textbook, distance learning, teaching, professional education, information and educational environment, digital learning, subject competence, electrical engineering

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