

Published: Jan 2, 2023


Nowadays Ukraine is experiencing an extremely difficult wartime in the strengthening democratic European values of social life. With the help of the critical analysis method the historical and legal evaluation of objective norms in labour sphere which are discriminatory was done. The comparative-legal method has helped to study the draft’s norms on conformity of their current legislation of Ukraine on labour. In the context of the armed struggle for Democracy, part of which is recognition of human rights and strengthening the Rule of Law, legislative initiative to reform the legal regulation of social relations, the object of which is the labour and employment, has signs of an anti-democratic state-political regime. The most dangerous trend of the Draft Law of Ukraine «On Labour» is that its content gives priority to the economic system rather than to the human, the fatal consequence of which in the World History were genocide of Nations.

How to Cite

Zvarych, R. (2023). ANTI-DEMOCRATIC DRAFT LAW OF UKRAINE «ON LABOUR» DURING MARTIAL LAW. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 122-130.
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labour, signs of labour relations, labour agreement, safeguard, discrimination, economic, genocide

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