

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article deals with the contemporary situation of gender and its implementation peculiarities in European countries. The article analyzes various approaches to the notion, gender disparity situation and reveals the burning challenges which the contemporary world faces now. The article highlights the present situation with gender asymmetry in STEM and ways of its transformation due to the unequal ratio of men and women employed in educational and scientific areas that would lead to employment problems in future. Much attention has been paid to the criterion for assessing gender equality, namely Gender Equality Index, an indicator that reflects the disparity in achievement opportunities between men and women in the European Union. Also, statistical data was presented that shows the great gender gap and identifies countries with a high / low gender equality index. Gender Equality Index is compared to the Global Gender Gap Index that shows the extent of the gender gap across four key dimensions that serve as a basis for developing effective measures to reduce the gender gap. The article points out the ways promoting the implementation of the principles of gender equality in European countries.

How to Cite

Nikitina, I., & Ishchenko, T. (2023). OVERCOMING GENDER DISPARITIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 152-157. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-4-18
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gender equality, gender equality index, gender implementation, gender issue, gender gap

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