

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The article is devoted to highlighting the theoretical prerequisites for the formation of foreign language strategic competence of future primary school teachers. The definition of the term "strategic competence" is provided, its component composition is analyzed, and the purpose of training is determined. The purpose of the article is to highlight the structure of formation of foreign language strategic competence of future primary school teachers. In today's requirements for the foreign language training of students the role of the ability to obtain information from different sources, to absorb, supplement and evaluate it, to apply different ways of cognitive and creative activity is increasing. CEFR (2018) identifies strategic competence as a key element to form communicative competence. The methodological basis of the article is psychological, pedagogical and methodical theories and provisions that reveal conceptual approaches to the researched issues. The scientific novelty consists in determining the structural elements of strategic competence as the basis for the formation of foreign language strategic competence of future primary school teachers. The prospects for further scientific research should be the use of the identified elements of strategic competence as the basis for the formation of future primary school teachers' foreign language educational and strategic competence in the educational process to build a model of appropriate learning.

How to Cite

Konotop, O. (2023). STRUCTURE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STRATEGIC COMPETENCE OF FUTURE PRIMARY TEACHERS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 80-88.
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strategic competence, primary school teachers, structure of strategic competence, foreign language, development of strategic competence, bachelor

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