

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The goal is to reveal the traditions of dance culture in the discourse of cultural studies. Research methodology. The interdisciplinary character of the study is based on the combination of theoretical justification of traditions in the discourse of cultural studies. The power of influencing the content of cultural knowledge lies in explaining the present through the past and in projecting future progress. This is how we consider the methodological key to understanding the dialectical unity of the phenomena of traditions and innovations. The common link between the past, present and future is the originality of the historical place of the people's culture, its national spirit is immersed in ethnocultural genesis. The article emphasizes the structural-functional method as the leading one between the traditions and chronotopes of cultural regionalism from the philosophers of ancient eras, artists of literature to the leading culturologists of modern Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The traditions of dance culture in the cultural space are revealed. Dance traditions are a phenomenon in cultural discourse in the space of ethnoculture. Conclusions. Dance traditions are considered in the plane of cultural discourse. The dynamics of traditions in spatio-temporal introjection, which are produced by dance and normalized as an important component in the system of preservation of traditions, are highlighted. During the thousand-year historical and cultural development, the dance demonstrates the spiritual unity of the people, the integrity of culture as a factor of the value basis of the individual who integrates into society, realizing the motivation of spiritual needs.

How to Cite

Savchyn, L. (2023). TRADITIONS OF DANCE CULTURE IN CULTURAL DISCOURSE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 152-157.
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culturology, dance, traditions, personality, discourse

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