

Published: Mar 31, 2022

  Vitaliy Omelyanenko

  Olena Omelianenko


The purpose of this article is to summarize and present the main features of the digital transformation of service business models. Methodology. The authors propose to consider the strategic vector of digital transformation of business models in the context of the formation of the digital economy as a new way of transforming business models and processes of all types of activities. The study based on the analysis of successful foreign and domestic experience allowed to summarize the key provisions of the digital transformation of business models in the service sector. The authors determine that the goal of digital transformation of the business model is to increase its economic efficiency through the introduction of digital technology in all areas of activity, in developing a strategy it is important to consider the directions of digital transformation. The authors present scientific and methodological approaches of leading international organizations to the interpretation of the term "digital economy" and give their own definition, taking into account the context of business models. Practical implications. Digital transformation (digitalization) is seen not just as support through IT components of existing business models, but the transformation of the entire business model, whose main objective is to ensure flexible and rapid change. functioning of the business based on the use of the latest advances in ICT, taking into account the specifics of the business (product, service, product portfolio, services). Based on this definition, the authors consider the main components of a digital business model transformation strategy. Value/originality. It is justified that the digitalization of the business model does not involve a simple transformation of technology, but a change in the business model and business processes. In these circumstances, it is reasonable to consider the following components of digital strategies to improve the efficiency of the business model of service enterprises.

How to Cite

Omelyanenko, V., & Omelianenko, O. (2022). ISSUES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS MODELS IN THE SERVICE SECTOR. Economics & Education, 7(1), 14-19.
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service sector, digital economy, digitalization, business model


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