

Published: Nov 29, 2016

  Natalya Pryadka


The purpose of the paper is to analysis of the modern state of accounting of non-financial assets and present accounting in health institutions protection during the period of medical reforms. The account of nonfinancial assets has his specific in medical establishments. Reforms, which implemented in Ukraine, affecting the account of non-financial assets. Medical institutions relate to the General government. Methodology. The survey is based on a comparison of data from the national and international reforms in medical industry. Results of the survey showed that in the dictionary of V. Raizberg next determination is driven: "public sector – it is a set of business units, that carry out economic activity, are in a public domain, controlled by public authorities or designated and hired persons" (Raizberg, 1999). In the Commercial code of Ukraine it is indicated: "The subjects of public sector of economy are subjects that operate on the basis of only public domain, and also subjects, which state share in authorized capital exceeds fifty percents or be value that provides a right to the state for decisive influence on economic activity of these subjects" (СС, 2003). Practical implications. Public sector structure specifies data of International Public Sector Accounting Standards. Substancial load concept "public sector" in national and international practice are relevant (Poznyakovska, 2009). Accounting in health institutions has specific terms, inherent to the government sector. They are determined by the types of activity and terms of assignation (Pasichnik, 2005). Medical services must be accessible to all stratum of population. They must have free basis. They come forward as a public benefit independent of individual possibility to pay for him. Therefore lion's part of general charges for health protection is used on the grant of medical services to the population. At the same time "upgrading of medical services lies inplane providing of unitization of going near the grant of medicare, standardization of medical documentation, approaching of services to the patients by their decentralization and integration, in accordance with health care level" (Eshchenko, 2016). Value/originality. Current state analysis of accounting non-financial assets of health care institutes has an important value. Account of non-financial assets influence on transference of data about non-financial assets to the financial reporting. A national account of nonfinancial assets is now reformating. This situation foresees changes and possible defects. The analysis of account gives an opportunity to avoid errors and defects.

How to Cite

Pryadka, N. (2016). SPECIFIC OF ACCOUNTING OF NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS IN HEALTH INSTITUTIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(5), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2016-2-5-62-67
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non-financial assets, accounting, health care, public sector, public institutions.


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