

Published: Nov 30, 2022

  Artem Ahekyan

  Lyubov Kvasnii

  Olesya Lobyk


The article emphasizes that decentralization is aimed at significantly improving the quality of services in territorial communities through the use of new management methods. It is substantiated that the following areas require additional support and initiatives: medicine (secondary and higher levels), education (support for basic educational institutions), economy (creation of industrial parks, scientific and technical laboratories, support for startups), housing and communal services (waste management system). The article substantiates the relevance of the work on the development of united territorial communities, based on the implementation of effective anti-corruption measures and modern principles of good governance in the daily practice of management, as these are the priorities set today for local governments. Special attention is paid to the system of "good governance" as the newest form of communication between the public and the authorities. The aspects of improving the governance system are identified. The main management approaches used by successful local governments are described. In order for territorial communities to achieve the results of their activities not only today, but also in the future, modern approaches and practices for the development of dynamic organizations based on trust in government, effective communication, continuous learning and openness to change are proposed. It is proved that in order to bring the system of organization and functioning of public sector institutions closer to business approaches, it is advisable to apply a more business-oriented paradigm of the New Public Management and the principles of good governance. The essence of "good governance" as the newest form of interaction between public authorities and civil society is revealed. Recommendations in the field of management of territorial communities in the light of the concept of good governance are proposed. The aim of the work is to study the role of the newest concept of public administration in the management of territorial communities through a comparative analysis of the postulates related to the process orientation of local government and recommendations for the functioning of public administration in the light of the concept of good governance. The article proposes the use of the good governance cycle and the creation of Project Offices, which can become the basis for formulating recommendations in the field of process orientation in the functioning of the local government apparatus.

How to Cite

Ahekyan, A., Kvasnii, L., & Lobyk, O. (2022). THE ROLE OF THE CONCEPT OF "GOOD GOVERNANCE" IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HROMADAS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(4), 1-7.
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management of territorial communities, good governance, process management, decentralization, cycle of good governance


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