The purpose of the study is to highlight the problematic issues of foreign experience and ways to prevent military and economic crimes. The main content. The article analyzes foreign countries, including the countries of the European Union. Methodology: the methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, through the application of which the legal, functional, organizational and procedural aspects of methodological approaches to understanding the problematic issues of foreign experience and ways to prevent military and economic crime are considered. Conclusions. Based on the analyzed foreign experience in the prevention of military crime, the necessity of creating in Ukraine a special state body in the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the main tasks of which should be: determining the main directions of state policy in the field of crime prevention in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; conducting nationwide research to identify the level of latent crime in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; coordination of the activities of state structures and law enforcement agencies to implement measures to combat and prevent crime in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; generalization of the practice of combating crime in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and organization of international cooperation on combating and preventing crime in the military sphere, etc.
How to Cite
crime prevention, military and economic crimes, prevention, war in Ukraine
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