

Published: May 23, 2023

  Hanna Buha

  Serhii Bychin

  Iryna Ozerna


The purpose of the article is to clarify the definition and structure of financial security. The subject of the research is the definition and structure of financial security. Financial security is defined as the most important element of the country's economic security in modern conditions; approaches to the definition of the concept of economic security are characterized; the concept of financial security is defined; administrative and legal relations in the field of financial security are characterized; the structure of administrative relations in the field of financial security is determined; threats to financial security are identified; threats to the development of the insurance market are identified; problems of the market of non-banking financial services in Ukraine are characterized; factors ensuring the competitiveness of the non-banking financial sector in modern conditions are characterized. Methodology. General scientific methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction and modeling) are used in the article. Results. Thus, the financial security of Ukraine should be understood as a complex, dynamic, social system with an extensive network of interconnected and interdependent elements and connections, which guarantees the state's ability to effectively form, preserve against depreciation and rational use of financial resources and is aimed at stabilizing the socio-economic development of the country, ensuring its stability, as well as the formation of prerequisites for preserving the integrity and unity of the state financial system, maintenance of financial obligations.

How to Cite

Buha, H., Bychin, S., & Ozerna, I. (2023). THE DEFINITION AND STRUCTURE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(2), 65-72.
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financial security, economic security, elements of financial security, insurance market, threats to financial security


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