

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Inna Kovalenko

  Nikolai Kovalenko


The purpose of the article is to analyze the reasons for the failure of the macroeconomic and social transformation of society on the example of 1985-1991 restructuring (“perestroika”) in the Soviet Union. It is proposed to consider spontaneous socialization (SS) as a situational variable, the presence or absence of which significantly affects the success of transformations. The research methodology consists in applying the system approach, as it is understood in management, involving models of M. Belbin's command roles and I. Adizes's managerial competencies. It is shown that the success of transformations in an organized community depends on its composition in terms of the presence of a certain combination of command roles and managerial competencies. The structure of the last includes numerous habits and stereotypes that have arisen historically and are changing from society to society, often contradicting each other, especially when comparing Western and Eastern cultures. Some command roles and managerial competencies in a particular transformation contribute to success, others lead to failure. For the success of the transformation, a certain "similarity" of the composition of the prevailing command roles and competencies is necessary. The success of the transformation of society essentially depends on the presence or absence of SS, the filling of which is connected with the components of Belbin and Adizes models. A forceful change in the situation without taking into account the prevailing level of the SS leads to a failure of the transformation in the long run.

How to Cite

Kovalenko, I., & Kovalenko, N. (2018). SPONTANEOUS SOCIALIZATION AS A SITUATIONAL VARIABLE IN A THEORY OF MACROECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 128-133. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2017-3-4-128-133
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spontaneous socialization, macroeconomic transformation, situational theories, voluntary associations, M. Belbin command roles, I. Adizes codes.


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