

Published: Apr 5, 2024

  Artem Solomaha

  Liudmyla Borovyk


The article is devoted to administrative law terminology and the feasibility of involving the concept of management in its composition. It has been found that legal science was subject to repeated attempts to introduce the relevant concept into its terminology. It is stated that the concept of management is widely used in scientific literature to explain the properties of administrative law phenomena and processes and in national administrative legislation. It is proved that most works available in specific literature: a) do not reason why the management category is essential for administrative law; b) what internal problems of administrative law science it helps or hinders to solve; c) how the category will correlate with other concepts close in meaning – administrative management, public administration, good governance, etc. It is substantiated the conclusion that representatives of economic sciences have not yet reached agreement on how to interpret the concept of management. However, they shall do it, firstly, for the further development of management science and secondly to clarify the content of the relevant educational programs in management, because Ukraine keeps implementing "knowledge standardization" for all levels of education. It was established that the imbalance of scientific approaches to the content of the management concept negatively affects the final definition of the object and subject of management science and the relevant teaching-learning materials intended for university students majoring in the specialty concerned. Based on the analysis of the concept of management and cases of its use in studies on administrative law phenomena, it was concluded that management is an economic category used by representatives of economic sciences to explain the peculiarities of internal organizational activities within public authorities and local self-government. At the same time, the range of issues and problems that are raised and solved are of an exclusively "managerial" nature and hence do not echo or partially echo ones of administrative law regulation of internal organizational relations within public authorities. The concept of management has no methodological significance for administrative law terminology and, thus, studies on administrative law phenomena.

How to Cite

Solomaha, A., & Borovyk, L. (2024). ON THE FEASIBILITY OF USING THE CONCEPT OF MANAGEMENT AS A CATEGORY OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(1), 216-221. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2024-10-1-216-221
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science of administrative law, terminology, economic sciences, management, public management, management in public administration, management in governance, administrative and public management, public administration


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