

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Oleh Hubanov

  Serhii Mosondz

  Oleh Melnychuk


The precise and correct understanding of the transformational changes in the field of science, which are constantly kept under public review, is vitally important for civilizational development of the Ukrainian State. Problem statement. Although some specific and significant aspects of science are highlighted and respective innovations are suggested, very often there is a lack of methodological reasoning and non-systemic of recommendations. The abovementioned stipulates the need to formulate a complete and perfect vision of the science transformation at the present stage of the Ukrainian society’s development. The purpose of this paper is to formulate the author’s conception of the necessity of science transformation in Ukraine by analysing global challenges and critical study of modern scientists’ works. The achievement of the formulated aim is carried out by the means of the complex and consistent application of the corresponding scientific tool presented by such methods of scientific knowledge as: logical-semantic, systematic, structural-logical, methods of grouping, deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis etc. Results. In the article, the author establishes and explains the reasons for the transformational changes in the field of science, which are reduced to the following: global character of human development; an advanced approach to the interaction of theory and practice in the context of the implementation of scientific activities; development of modern information technologies; insufficient support by the state and society of science and scholars; absence of an integrated approach, focused on the fundamental integrity and complexity of the system “science – education – production”; aggravation of social and economic problems; integration of the innovative type of civilization. To sum up, the author concludes that civilizational society has dramatically influenced the development of science, significantly accelerating the processes of its development. Modern science, as well as scientists’ activity, is impossible without the use of the latest technologies. This activity, in turn, promotes the development of newer technologies. The speed of these processes is constantly increasing and the transformation of science in one sphere instantly causes transformation in another. Such changes lead to the emergence of an incredibly large number of scientific knowledge that needs to be perceived and embodied in practice.

How to Cite

Hubanov, O., Mosondz, S., & Melnychuk, O. (2018). TRANSFORMATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF SCIENCE UNDER GLOBALIZATION CHALLENGES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 59-62.
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science, transformation, globalization, conceptual approaches, foundations, civilization, development, efficiency, intensity


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