

Published: Dec 11, 2018

  Serhiy Shkarlet

  Valeriia Prokopenko

  Maksym Dubyna


Development of the financial services market is an important component of the national economy’s development. Within this market, credit and investment resources are formed, which are the basis of economic development of the real economy sector of the state. It is this that determines the importance of creating conditions for improving the efficiency of financial institutions, which become intermediaries between persons who have free funds and those economic entities that they need. The outlined justifies the relevance of the topic. Consequently, taking into consideration the objective of the study, the following aim of its implementation was set: to identify and substantiate the main determinants of the development of the financial services market in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: to identify the main, most important, measures of transformation of the environment of financial institutions functioning; to substantiate the essence of such measures and the peculiarities of their implementation; to specify basic actions within the limits of separate determinants of the financial services market development, to describe their applied character. Method. In the course of the research, a range of different scientific methods was used. Among the general techniques, it is necessary to allocate methods of observation, comparison, abstraction. It is advisable to include the method of economic analysis, synthesis, system approach, content methods, and event analysis in specific research methods. Results. Universal priorities of financial services markets development in different countries are determined and systematized, the analysis of which made it possible to investigate perspective determinants of the development of such a market in Ukraine, peculiarities of their introduction into the functioning of the financial services sphere are described. Among these measures are the following: increase in the stability of financial institutions, increase the transparency of the functioning of producers and consumers of financial services, raising the level of financial literacy in society, reforming the state regulation system of the activities of financial intermediaries, the formation of the trust infrastructure system. Taking into consideration the received scientific outcomes, the justification of peculiarities on the implementation of these priorities in the system of the financial services market functioning in Ukraine is conducted. Practical implications. The research results obtained in the course of the research implementation regarding the possibilities of changing the financial services market for improving the efficiency of financial institutions work have an applied character, and their implementation will make it possible to form a new environment for the functioning of such economic actors. This will facilitate the transformation of financial resources to increase the formation of investment and loan funds. The results obtained can be used by public authorities that regulate the activities of financial institutions in the process of developing new strategic documents for the development of the financial services market in Ukraine. Value/originality. The conducted research is relevant, considering the significant impact of the financial services market on the development of the national economy, the proposed measures for the development of such a market are applied and can be used by public authorities in the regulation of the activities of financial institutions. This research has been conducted within the framework of the scientific work implementation Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Ukraine on the following topics: “Financial stability of economic systems in crisis conditions of management” (No. 0115U001149) and “Development of financial intermediaries in the turbulent conditions of the national economy’s functioning” (No. 0115U001149).

How to Cite

Shkarlet, S., Prokopenko, V., & Dubyna, M. (2018). DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 412-420.
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financial service, financial institution, financial credibility, financial intermediary


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