

Published: Aug 1, 2019

  Yurii Melnyk

  Vyacheslav Truba


The industrial sector is the most important segment of the macroeconomic environment of the country, the performance of which depends on its functioning and development in the global economic environment. The development of industry in the national macroeconomic environment is possible at the expense of an effective regulatory system, which should have modern instrumental support that corresponds to modern trends in the development of global economic systems. The article is based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of a system for regulating the development of industry and defining its conceptual benchmarks in the conditions of transformation changes in the economy. Methodology. Legislative and normative documents, materials of periodicals, statistical data, and Internet resources were the information base of the study. The paper uses general scientific and special methods: monographic examination, generalization, systematization, economicstatistical analysis, and modelling. This allowed investigating the current state and possibilities of regulating the development of industry in different models of the regulatory system and the forms of its implementation, substantiating the conceptual foundations and directions of the transformation of the system of regulation of the development of the domestic industrial sector and criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. Results. It is proved that the process of regulating the development of industry in the national economy should be considered from the point of view of a systemic approach in the macroeconomic environment, where the basic elements of a defined system are the purpose, strategic guidelines and objectives, principles and limitations, regulatory functions, institutional actors that influence on industry and its structural units with the help of well-grounded tools. The expediency of assessing the system of regulation of industrial development based on the criteria of rationality, regulation, management, and efficiency is proved, and models of the corresponding analytical indicators are proposed. It is proved that the formation of the most perspective and effective mechanism of regulating the development of the industry is to find the optimal combination of vectors of rationality and efficiency in the implementation of all large-scale transformations in the system of regulation in the national macroeconomic environment. The alternative development options in the domestic industrial sector and the relevant conceptual guidelines for the regulation of the development of industry in the national macroeconomic environment are determined. Practical meaning. The introduction of these results in order to change the system of regulation of industrial development will contribute to ensuring the role of the industrial sector as the main driver of innovation and investment development of the country’s economy. Value/оriginality. The author’s definition of the process of regulating the development of industry from the standpoint of the system approach, proposed methodological approaches to the assessment of the effectiveness of the development regulation system according to criteria and indicators of rationality and manageability, is aimed at the further formation of system measures to create favourable conditions for the development of industry in the national macroeconomic environment.

How to Cite

Melnyk, Y., & Truba, V. (2019). THE CONCEPTUAL ORIENTATION OF THE SYSTEM OF REGULATION OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(3), 125-134.
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industry, development, regulation, system, efficiency, national macroeconomic environment


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