

Published: May 23, 2022


The article is devoted to the crisis of Ukrainian identity in the period of democratic transit, with an emphasis on its bifurcation points. In this context, Ericson’s concept of identity crisis allows its study through the analysis of the inner narratives of actors. The generations’ cooperation, in particular in inventing a new ‘common language’, is interpreted as a key point for the sucess Ukraine’s democratic transition. In this light, the Maidan phenomenon is analyzed in the context of the Orange Revolution (2004) and the Revolution of Dignity (2013–2014) as a hybrid power game that contains features of ‘identity game’, including changes in the inner narratives of actors, thus ensuring the institutional memory of democratic transit. The demand for the narrative of the revolution during the Maidan events is connected with the internalization of Marx’s emancipatory enzyme in the foundations of the Ukrainian imagined community after the Soviet period of modernization.

How to Cite

Shcherbenko, E. (2022). IDENTITY CRISIS AS A FACTOR OF UKRAINIAN DEMOCRATIC TRANSIT. NONLINEAR COMPONENT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 121-130.
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Erickson, generations’ cooperation, identity crisis, inner narratives, Maidan, Marx.

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