

Published: Oct 26, 2022


The political identities are interpreted as inner narratives in the article. These discourse formations we analyze as the medium of Ukrainian democratic transition’ institutional memory. The reduction of the political imagination, according to which changes in identity are presented only as a linear processes, is shown; at the same time efforts to overcome this narrative inertia. In the context of this paradigm shift, the achievements of the first post-Soviet generation of Ukrainian political scientists in the field of identity analysis are revised. It is shown that through the conceptualization of challenges, the ‘invisible college’ of researchers managed to reflect the fundamental for the fate of democratic transit connection between the strata of the middle class and students (‘Ukrainian invariant’), which ensures the cooperation of generations in the process of a democratic transition.

How to Cite

Shcherbenko, E. (2022). IDENTITY CRISIS AS A FACTOR OF UKRAINIAN DEMOCRATIC TRANSIT. GENERATIONAL ASPECT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 242-248.
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generation, inner narratives, political imagination, win-win games.

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